Senin, 14 September 2009

Conversation gw di Omegle

Inilah conversation gw di Omegle terakhir. Gw nipuin bahwa ada alien.

Aliens destroy my city!!!
Stranger: Whoa.
Stranger: That's crazy!
Stranger: Pesky aliens....
You: What should I do?
Stranger: Probably think about seeking shelter....
You: *searching weapons
Stranger: and finding a ant-alien laser gun....
Stranger: anti*
You: We only have frying pan, a steel water tipe with pipe, a peddle, an axe, a sword
You: and a electric saw and knife
Stranger: Hmmm...I'm gonna go with pan and the knife...
You: For what?
Stranger: so you can cook for your self....AND stab the little buggers.
You: But an electric saw works better
Stranger: OK... then go with that....I don't have much experience with alien attacks...
Stranger: However, YOU seem to be well versed?
You: yes
Stranger: Where do you live, so that I DON"T move there....
Stranger: Got to be MURDER on the property taxes....
You: Hey, felicano have lifted a white flag!
Stranger: Whew...
You: We surrendered
Stranger: oh.
Stranger: that's gonna suck for you....
Stranger: good luck...
Stranger: maybe you should stop typing and go save yourself...

Alay, kan conversation gw di omegle. Kalau mau ketawa, ketawa sajalah.

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