Rabu, 30 September 2009

my poem...


Here I standing here
They leave me...

They don't want to be my friends
They lived in their own world
With happiness and serenity

I lived in the cruelty
They didn't want to help me
Just like the past time

Are they remembering me?
Do they want me to die?
They leave me alone!

Alone again
I'm just in the loneliness!

-Teresa Anyelir Putri
Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Senin, 28 September 2009

Kegaringan Time! (Scone,Latvia dan Ayu)

This is a...

Ini adalah pengalaman gw yang ngobrol sama anggota keluarga, dan jadinya yah garing deh...!

1.Jadi pas lagi makan kue bareng adek dan bokap gw bilang:

A (Anya a.k.a gw)
D (Adek gw)
B (Bokap gw)

A: Gw suka semua kue kecuali... tahu gak apa?
D dan B: Apaan?
A: Scone Inggris (SPJ)
D: Ih kenapa?
A: Gak enak soalnya (emang gak enak lagi)

D: Ih scone Inggris tuh enak tahuuu...apalagi kalau dikasih gula sama garam!
A: Gak enak lagi!
D: Enak tahu...temenku pernah bawa scone ke sekolah waktu kelas satu...
B: Bukan scone kali...itu mungkin LAMANG! (gak nyambung)
D: Itu scone!
A: Emang tahu scone kayak apa?

Semua diem...dan malah ngomongin lamang, bukannya scone!
Mang lamang sama scone itu beda ya? *kampungan mode ON

2.Gw pernah ngasih tebak2an sama temen2 gw di perpus.

A: Eh lo tahu negara yg suka nonton TV?
Hampir semua: Gak tahu!
Salah satu (lupa siapa tuh): Mang apa, Nyaa?
*beep : Aaaargh! (kayaknya gak ada)
R: Oh jadi maksud elo LATVIA?
A: Iyah emang Latvia

*digampar Raivis yg lagi nangis (Latvia yang asli). Oke yang soal Raivis itu cuma bercanda...

3. Pernah ada tamu yang ke rumah Kakek nenek gw dan bilang...

T (tamu): Anya ayu, deh...
A: Namaku bukan Ayu tahu!

(beberapa menit kemudian)
N (nyokap): Lho kok marah dibilang Ayu?
A: Temenku ada yg namanya Ayu!
N: Pasti Ayu yang itu kan....
A: Bukan...Ayu temenku!
N: (diam seribu bahasa)

Jumat, 25 September 2009

Alternate Universe

Lagi bosen selama liburan, akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuat cerpen laknat dalam Bahasa Inggris. Mungkin ini grammarnya jelek, gak kayak di novel teenlit yang pakai bahasa Inggris. (saya emang gak nyastra,sih).

Karakternya:Rachma (OC): si cewek alim, anak baru di sekolah itu...
Kemala (OC lagi): kakak kelasnya Rachma yang baek sama dia.
Eliza: Ketua OSIS cewek di sekolahnya (digampar fans H****ry)
Natalia: wakilnya Eliza (kembali dibunuh fansnya B*****s, loh?)
Bella:Sekretaris OSIS
Stella (OC): Bendahara OSIS.
Kim: Humas OSIS.

Nikmati sajalah...

The first time at my new school, hmm…I feel a bit shy and afraid. My feet can’t touch the ground of my new school.

I walked into my new school entrance and I realized that my new school is so big. It had a big entrance, which made from high-quality steel with many decorative carvings. The school building was so big; it had three storeys with many rooms. The school garden in front of the classes was so beautiful, that were colorful flowers on every angle of it.

Beside the garden, there was a wide schoolyard; I thought it was made for sports lesson. But one thing I was very hesitated about it, why only about two hundred students here? In my old school there were many students, and the amount of students here were same with the seventh grade students amount in my school. And there was lack of girls here.

Suddenly, an older girl took my hand, she talked to me. She had long black hair; she made it into a ponytail. She had round black-brownish eyes. Her skin is tanned, same as me.

“Hey! Are you a new student here?” she asked me.

“Yeah, I’m a newcomer, and I got in seventh grade. But is the class divided here?”

“Yes, it’s divided into two classes 7A and 7B. You’ll belong with 7A. But I think you must know about the student council here. Here, I will take you into to the student council room…”

“OK, let’s go!” I answered her.


The room was located in the second storey; it looked like an office’s meeting room. She got into the room and talked with her friends for a minute. And so many girls stood up in front of me. It included that girl. In the room there were chairs, a table, a lot of papers and a desktop computer.

“We have heard there’s a newcomer? So that’s you a veiled girl? Hahaha…” a pale girl with silvery blonde hair with headband asked to me and she mocked me.

“Yeah…” I answered timidly. Actually I didn’t timid her. But it was so hurt if I mocked about my veil.

“Don’t be afraid, she didn’t mock you, she just kidding. There isn’t a veiled girl in her class” a peaceful voice calmed me. She’s that girl which I met first, again.

“Hi! Nice to meet you! What’s your name?” the girl with long brown hair and green eyes asked to me.

“My name is Rachma...nice to meet you too” I answered her.

“Rachma? A pretty name…” another long black-haired girl said to me.

“Thanks…anyway who are you all?”

“We are the Girls’ Council. Actually our real president of the Council is a boy. But, I am an only girl that has a high position here in the Council; actually I’m only a Secretary in the Council. So, I hold the responsibility to be a President of the Girls’ Council. My name is Eliza. Let me introduce all of my members.” she introduced herself to me.

“Okay…” I said in my heart.

“Yeah, this is my Vice President, Natalia…” she pointed into a silvery blonde long haired girl.

She had mocked me…I said in my heart.

“Hello, Rachma” she greeted me shortly. Her face is looked in a frown.

“And, this is the secretary…her name is Bella.” A short blonde-haired girl with head band stared at me.

“Good morning, Rachma. Do you want some chocolates in the cafeteria at the breaktime?” she said an offer to me. She looked sweet.

“No, thanks…I don’t want to eat chocolates.” I answered her.

“This is the treasurer, her name is Stella.” she introduced again.

“Hi! How are you, Rachma?” the beautiful long brown haired girl with pink ribbons smiled to me. Her big blue eyes looked at me.

“Hmm…I am okay…thank you…” I answered shortly.

“And this is Kemala, our Fund Officer. She searched for fund to support our programs.”

The girl whom I have met at the first time in this school, only smiled and her head a bit bowed to me. When I heard Eliza’s explanation, I noted some thing about this organization in my little notebook, I noted about the members, positions and their characteristics. I hoped I remember them.

“And the Public Relations Officer, this is Kim.” she introduced again.

“Hmm…good morning, Rachma…” the girl with a long ponytail said.

“Is there only six girls in the Council?” I asked.

“Rachma, actually there’re 10 girls in the Council. But some of them can’t come to this meeting…for some reason. Trea, Catherine, Mei and Elena can’t attend this meeting. They are a bit busy for our next program. Now, they are searching for the materials.” Kemala explained to me.

“Hmm…when should I go to my class?” I asked her.

“You should go right now, Rachma.”

“But, you know I am a newcomer. I don’t know where my class is.”

“Let me accompany you to your classroom…”

I wondered my new class. I thought there were bad girls and boys.

“Are the 7A students nice?” I asked her on the corridor.

“Yes, of course they’re nice…”


Selasa, 22 September 2009

Batal Kawin, Kasih Tak Sampai

Gw mulai random lagi nih, gw pertama kali denger nih lagu di radio, pengen ketawa-ketawa
Tapi gw tahan...gw kebayang sama pasangan-pasangan di...*beep
Yang bernama *beep dan *beep....

Ah dari tadi *beep melulu,...lagunya ini...nih!

Kawin, kawin, minggu depan aku kawin
Kawin, kawin, tidur ada yang nemenin
Kawin, kawin, status di KTP nanti jadi
Kawin, kawin, kawin, kawin

Amin, amin, undangan di sebar amin
Amin, amin, katering kebayar amin
Amin, amin, mas kawin di bayar lunas bilang
Amin, amin, amin, amin

Ternyata eh ternyata semua tak sesuai rencana
Sampai akad pun tiba calon ku tak datang juga
Dia lari sama mantan pacarnya
Sial…. sial…. sial…. sial….

Oh mama, oh papa, apakah salah hamba
Perkawinan kini batal bikin malu keluarga
Gara gara cari calon hanya dari bagus rupa
Ternyata eh ternyata dia tidak setia
Tak setia….

Kawin, kawin, minggu depan aku kawin
Kawin, kawin, tidur ada yang nemenin
Kawin, kawin, status di KTP nanti jadi
Kawin, kawin, kawin, kawin

Ternyata eh ternyata semua tak sesuai rencana
Sampai akad pun tiba calon ku tak datang juga
Dia lari sama mantan pacarnya
Sial…. sial…. sial…. sial….

Oh mama, oh papa, apakah salah hamba
Perkawinan kini batal bikin malu keluarga
Gara gara cari calon hanya dari bagus rupa
Ternyata eh ternyata dia tidak setia

Oh mama, oh papa, kini aku pasrah saja
Carikan lah calon istri yang sesuai keinginan
Yang baik yang setia dan bisa dipercaya
Yang amanah fatonah dan juga istikomah

Lalala lalala maaf aku tak bisa
Lalala lalalalalala maaf aku tak bisa

Wahai cinta ketahuilah…
Bahwa wanita racun dunia…

“Mendingan sama eike bok, yuk mariii”

Ini lagu sebenernya lagu lama (kudet banget, ya) *dibunuh

Tapi kebayang beberapa pasangan di film yang sama yang mengalami, Jatuh Cinta, lalu CINTA MATI, terus jadi Kasih Tak Sampai, dan akhirnya Pupus...

Mereka adalah:

*beep dan *beep

*beep dan *beep

Kenapa beep-beep lagi? langsung saja!

indah terasa indah
bila kita terbuai dalam alunan cinta
sedapat mungkin terciptakan rasa
keinginan saling memiliki

dan bila itu semua
dapat terwujud dalam satu ikatan cinta
tak semudah seperti yang pernah terbayang
menyatukan perasaan kita

reff: tetaplah menjadi bintang di langit
agar cinta kita akan abadi
biarlah sinarmu tetap menyinari alam ini
agar menjadi saksi cinta kita berdua, berdua

sudah, terlambat sudah
ini semua harus berakhir
mungkin inilah jalan yang terbaik
dan kita mesti relakan kenyataan ini

Kamis, 17 September 2009

Cerita tentang blog gw dan maen sambung cerita

Jadi sejarah blog gw...

Gw punya dulu punya blog alay yang layoutnya masih warna hijau aneh...dan isinya juga masih aneh-aneh juga. Kalau mau lihat blog gue yang lama di sini:


Blog baru gw bikin, dengan pergantian nama...
My life as a teenage girl
Nya! Nya! Neko!
Hey! Hey!
My sunflowers...

Nama yang terakhir ini terinspirasi dari kata-katanya siapa gitu, karena dia ingin semua bersatu dengan dia, menganggap semua orang bunga mataharinya, yang selalu mengikuti sinarnya...tahukan bunga matahari? Gw maunya begitu...*ditusuk Ivan

gw maen sambung cerita sama orang di Omegle, yang suka Hetalia jangan baca ini, ya...
tentang perang dunia ketiga...

WW3 starts...
You: Europeans and Asians attack the Africans...
Stranger: the africans don't have weapons
You: so they all killed...
You: and only one of them stil survive...
You: a Seychellois girl...
Stranger: he was living in the mountains hiding from the whole world
Stranger: she*
You: suddenly...
You: a Belgian came into her house...
Stranger: he was pretty with dark blue eyes :P
You: and give her a box of chocolate...
Stranger: she didn't know what was that she got scared !
Stranger: kidding
Stranger: she was over the moon and thought that finally someone is caring about her
You: a Russian man intimidated all over the world...
You: and he wanted to kill them...
Stranger: the belgian guy swore to protect her over his life
Stranger: he was all that she got
Stranger: but they were both weak
Stranger: they didn't know what to do
You: so that the Nordics come...
Stranger: the nordics try to help them
You: the finnish got his electric saw...
Stranger: Alexi laiho was among them
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: he got an axe
You: They tried to destroy the russians...
You: *russian
Stranger: they germans knew about that
Stranger: they were shooting everybody
Stranger: Tarja lost his head
You: and the Southeast Asians come...
Stranger: they were all looking after each other
Stranger: which makes them hard to beat
You: A Vietnamese woman with her paddle...
You: Indonesian woman wit her sharp bamboo...
Stranger: a korean with her wands
You: a Filipino with his knife
Stranger: an indian with his ribbon
You: A Thai and Japanese with their swords
You: They tried to stop the war...
Stranger: some from Nepal on an elephant
Stranger: they couldn't stop it
Stranger: they didn't even get to get out of here
Stranger: they were all stuck
You: and the American man come to save them...
Stranger: a women with a crystall ball knew there was a guy somewhere and he was the one
Stranger: the rumor got spread
Stranger: the russian guy was angry
Stranger: he sent some guys of his to kill that american guy before even his birth
You: a Latvian, Belarusian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukrainan
You: Come to kill him...
Stranger: his mom found a way to make them believe she has lost the baby
You: The American guy made them surrender...
Stranger: the african girl and the belgian guy has died but the war didn't stop
Stranger: yet
Stranger: the american guy gotta find a way
You: so he made a collaboration with a Japanese...
Stranger: "what is the plan?" asked the japanese
You: he answered "we must making peace all over the world with one way..."
You: Making a music collaboration...
Stranger: the japanese guy was able to drum
You: the american was able to guitar
Stranger: they had to find someone to play bass
You: and they call the Englishman
Stranger: they started composing day and night
Stranger: non stop
Stranger: but no one came to one of their concerts, they were all at war
Stranger: so they decided to go there
You: suddenly the war over and all the world joined them...
Stranger: the russian guy was dancing like a ***
Stranger: the brazilian girl danced the samba
You: This is the end of the story...
You: and the world became peace forever
Stranger: and they lived happily ever after

*sumpah kocak...

Hari Pertama Rayi di Sekolah

Ini adalah cerpen karangan saya (atau fanfic ya?). Oke, nikmati aja lah...

Bagian: 1

Pengarang: corat_coret

Tokoh-tokoh: Rayi (aku), Edward (kakaknya Rayi)

Pasangan : gak ada kali ya... tapi nanti ada (siap-siap digorok)

Genre: Crossover (enggak juga, sih)

(hampir) semua karakter di sini bukan milik saya, mereka semua adalah dari *beep.

“Kak Edwaaard!!!” panggilku.

“Ya, Tuhan! Siapa itu?” kakakku berteriak kaget. Lalu kutepuk dari belakang pundaknya. Dia menoleh ke belakang. Laptopnya hampir jatuh dari pangkuan. Untunglah aku yang bertubuh kecil, dengan gesit menangkap laptop tersebut.

“Ini laptopnya, Kak”

“Makasih, Rayi. Aaaahhh! Rayi? Kamu ngagetin Kakak aja!” katanya sambil meremas-remas rambutku yang ikal.

“Kak, rambutku jadi berantakan tahu!”

“Maaf, deh…ada apa Rayi?”

“Aku mau ke sekolah dulu, Kak. Kan, ini hari pertama aku sekolah,Kak!” kataku. Aku memang masuk sekolah baru sejak kami pindah rumah.

“Semoga beruntung ya…semoga kamu dapat teman baru!” kata kakakku.

“Oh iya, Kak…jadi makan di restoran minggu ini? Soalnya nanti kalau aku dapat teman, aku ajakin juga…” kataku ceria.

“Boleh juga…”

Lalu aku berjalan ke pintu depan, melambaikan tangan, dan kakakku balas melambai.

Padahal aku adalah anak yang selalu mendapat sial, anak yang paling ujung-ujungnya di-bullying oleh senior. Kakakku pasti tidak ada habisnya memikirkan nasibku di sekolah. Apakah anak sepertiku akan mendapatkan teman…ya?


Aku berjalan menuju gerbang sekolah. Gerbangnya besar sekali, tidak seperti sekolahku yang lama. Aku melihat seragam yang kupakai sekarang, lebih bagus. Aku memakai baju lengan panjang putih, dasi hitam, rompi marun, dan celana kotak-kotak berwarna abu-abu kehitaman.

Tapi aku melihat kebanyakan anak di sekolah ini memakai baju putih dengan luaran yang berbeda, ada yang memakai rompi, ada yang memakai jaket dan ada pula yang memakai jas. Aku segera masuk ke gerbang sekolah.

Aku bingung…aku masuk kelas berapa ya? Ya, jelaslah aku anak kelas tujuh. Tapi tujuh yang mana? 7A atau 7B? Tiba-tiba seorang anak perempuan menegurku.

“Hai, anak baru! Kita sekelas lo…” kata anak perempuan berbando dan berambut pendek.

“Sekelas? Elo kelas tujuh juga? Tujuh apa?” tanyaku.

“7A! Kita sekelas! Omong-omong nama lo siapa?” kata anak itu.

“Nama gue Rayi,nama lo siapa?”

“Gue Lila…salam kenal Rayi! Masuk aja ke kelas!”

“Kelas? Gue kan anak baru, jadi gak tahu 7A di mana.”

“Biar gue anterin elo…”

“Makasih Lila elo baik banget deh…”

Lalu kami masuk kelas 7A. Ternyata ada banyak anak 7A yang menunggu.

“Hey! Jadi elo si anak baru itu!” kata seorang anak laki-laki dengan tampang jutek.

“I…i..iya… aku anak baru di sini…” kataku terbata-bata.

“Perlu kita ploncoin nih anak…” kata anak itu lagi.

“Udahlah, Ozzie. Kasihan tahu!” kata seorang anak laki-laki berkulit gelap.

“Iya, tuh kasihan…” sambung seorang anak perempuan berkerudung.

“Fransisko! Rachma! Terserah gue dong!”

Baru pertama kali aku masuk sekolah ini dan aku langsung diperlakukan secara tidak baik seperti itu. Aku jadi gak ada semangat buat belajar di sekolah, rasanya ingin bunuh diri gara-gara gak punya teman di hari pertama. Cuma Lila saja yang bisa kujadikan teman.

Padahal aku sudah memasang kepercayaan diriku. Eh, hanya satu orang yang mau berbicara denganku, aku duduk sendirian hari ini…sedihnya!


Pada saat istirahat, aku malah dikenalkan dengan anak-anak 7B dan anak-anak kelas delapan. Kelas delapan?

Seorang anak laki-laki yang berambut pendek lurus, dia memakai pakaian yang sama denganku yaitu baju kemeja dan rompi, hanya saja rompi yang ia pakai warnanya coklat muda, kayaknya anak kelas delapan. Saat aku dan Lila sedang berjalan menuju anak itu, kita berdua langsung ditanya.

"Eh, di kelas tujuh ada anak baru juga, Lil?" tanya anak itu.

"Ada, nih anaknya Kak Tino..."kata Lila.

"Mana,dek?" tanya kakak kelas itu.

"Di sebelah aku, ini anaknya...namanya Rayi." kata Lila memperkenalkan diriku.

"Iya, aku Rayi...nama Kakak siapa?" tanyaku.

"Nama Kakak Tino...mau dikenalkan sama kakak kelas yang lain? Di kelas 8A ada anak baru juga,lho..."

"Wah! Siapa, Kak Tino? Laki-laki atau perempuan?" tanyaku.

"Anak perempuan..." kata Kak Tino, sambil tersenyum.

"Siapa namanya?" tanya Lila.

"Namanya Stella. Anaknya lagi ke kantin, maen sama si Bella"

"Bella yang mana, Kak?" tanyaku.

"Pacarnya si Denny..." kata Kak Tino.

"Yang mana, sih Lil?" tanyaku pada Lila.

"Udahlah, entar lo juga tahu..."


Rabu, 16 September 2009

Puisi lagi...

Under the Big Cherry Tree

I saw you sitting alone

Under the big cherry tree

I can found you in blue

Every spring I saw the cherry blossom petals

Fell down into your hands

I always accompany you

You told me much

About the secrets of your life

You’re full of secrets

You told the reason why you treat me bad

You said it certainly, from your tender heart

Sorry said from your lips

From a bunch of regrets and many people that insulted you

You’re insulted as the tormenter of many people…

And I tormented by you

I know you’re broken, sad because of all you had done

Now I’m back again beside you

You sing the song of your secrets

I hear the sad song and saw the flowing tears

Under the big cherry tree

I hug you; I whisper the certain words, from my heart and soul

“I love you, while I tormented by you…

I’ll keep my love for you, forever…and ever”

Like the cherry blossoms on the tree…

Our love grows here

Under the big cherry tree

Forever, until the end


I dreamed…

I sucked in the frightening past

He wanted to kill me

He wanted to force me to work

And he let me starved!

I got in the prison by the past…

I can’t be free, I’m starving…

I can’t survive in this moment!

I think it will be better, if I died

I could die…

With another thousand of people

With another million of people

No one helped me, to get me out from here…

I think no one want to feel my bleeding heart

My heart torn as torn as papers

Holed as leaves that eaten by caterpillars

My body full of wounds

On my hands, my back, and my head

On my chest that’s a scratch of wound…I wanted to cry

I cried loudly…

I woke up from my sleep

Oh, I realized this is just a nightmare

Nightmare, about past time in my land…

War of Heart

What’s this?

The ropes tied my body

The problem bombs will explode in my eyes

The planes sent down the bombs

They are uncontrolled…

The suffering guns would shoot me

I want to runaway…to where?

But, what way should I take?

Am I wanted to be the past self?

All the ways came into my past self…

I want to change,

The big knives cut me off…

It’s hurt!

My heart is bleeding…

I want to cry, but

My tears won’t fall down

I pray…

“God, please free me from these…

You know I want to change”

But that’s one thing that will last forever,

My soul,

My liberated soul

And I love independence…

The war jumps up…

I tried to settle my heart

Will this war continued forever?

Everyone…help me!

Children of Snow

It’s hard to live here

Very cold…and we want warmness

Fortunate, the children of sunshine

Though they hoped for coolness

Their skins get a tan

Our skins pale and white

Makes our cheeks and nose red

Walking in a low temperature

Our feet wanted to freeze

Body trembles…

We live with ice and snow…

It’s hard to survive

We want to live in a warmer place…

Where the sun shines brightly

No ices, no freezing…

When can we feel the warm of sunshine?

Curhatan Anya

Gw bikin post judulnya...

Curhatan Anya

Gak tahu kenapa gue pengen curhat aja sama yang baca ini.

Gw bangun pagi banget...
Terus gw langsung mandi en ke rumah kakek nenek gw...
Gw buka komputer..

Gw ngelakuin hal-hal yang tidak jelas.
- Omegle-an
- Nonton Hetalia
- Nonton video klip Pocahontas
- Chat ama Abe
- Maen game
- Bukannya ngerjain bahasa Inggris

* maaf buat Vika dan Bernard, dialognya agak diubah...

Terus kemaren gw ada les matematika dan fisika di deket rumah Kakek Nenek gw. Gw ketemu Vika, temen SD gue dan si muka mesum Bernard Oxtierma (itu, mah Bernald ya...).

Nah gw latihan buat tes paket pertama, terus kan ada banyak banget anak-anak kelas 7 en 8 yang ikutan les matematika en fisika di situ. Nah...gue datengnya ke sana telat satu jam....

Nah gw kan kerjain soal terus si Bernard itu duduknya deket Vika terus gurunya ngeledekin.

Guru: Jangan deket-deket dong...
Gw: Entar naksir loo...
Vika: Najong!

Nah kan gw pulang dan nungguin bokap di depan teras. Gue ngobrol-ngobrol sama mereka berdua.

Ngomongin film...

Gw: Dah nonton Final Destination blom?
Bernard: Anya dah nonton? Bagus ga?
Gw: Belom siih, tapi temen gw bilang jelek
Vika: Iya emang jelek...Ber, nonton di Senci?
Bernard: Enggak..

Terus kan gw ditanya, pas mereka liat foto.

Vika: Nih siapa, temen lo ya?
Gw: Bukan, kok...

Pas mau ngelihat isi hape Bernard.

Vika: Pasti isinya bokep...
Bernard: Engga tuuh...
Gw: Ada temen gw yg lebih parah, BBnya isinya video yang ada huruf xxx...(maaf bagi yang merasa begitu, tapi gw harap udah dihapus semua videonya)

Nah gw pulang, terus bokap gw jemput, beli lauk...terus ade gw belajar matematik, gw malah gambar-gambar gak jelas. Terus gw tidur sambil denger radio HP. Enak2 lagunya. Semalem gw puasa buat ngerjain bahasa Inggris, makan malem belakangan.

Abis itu semalem gw mimpi agak sedih, ngelihat anak kecil.

Anaknya rambutnya ikal, pirang, dan dia diem aja duduk di kursi gw tegor tetep diem..

Terus gak ada hujan gak ada gempa...

Dia nangis...

Gue tanya kenapa, dia tetep nangis...

Hari ini gw buka komputer dan rencana buat nulis cerita, tapi gw gak tahu tentang apaan gw bete banget, gw kehabisan ide...kasih ide dong bagi yang banyak ide...

Oh udah dulu ya curhatnya... sekarang gue mau ngasih sesuatu ada lagu bagus banget, judulnya New Soul...
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.
But since I came here,
Felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake


I'm a young soul
In this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate?
Try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make


This is a happy end
'Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong?
This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away

I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.
But since I came here,
Felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake

I'm a new soul... (la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...
Take take take take take... take a mistake
Take, take a mistake
Take, take a mistake
(oh oh oh oh...)
[fade out]
(oh oh oh oh...)

Selasa, 15 September 2009

Puisi Terindahku Hanya Untukmuu...

Nah ini gw lagi suka banget nulis puisi pakai bahasa Inggris ini contohnya...

Green Eyes

Your green eyes…

Searching for my eyes

Your green eyes…

Found me in my hiding place

I saw your green eyes…

Feel like shading under the green leaves

I like your green eyes…

And every angle of your face

Your bushy eyebrows

That makes a little difference with the others

I feel cooler to saw your green eyes…

I want to be close to you

I’ve lost in your eyes…


I run

I scream

My body trembles

When I hear his voice

“You must be one with me”

I run

I hide and cried

Tears come out from the eyes of mine

I hope he doesn’t find me here…

When I hear his voice again…

I scream


He finds me

And he catches me

He says unrecognized words

He takes me away

I scream


No one hear me

Nobody cares

Everyone don’t know

If I’m in dangerous situation

Never Let Go

I know you’re growing so fast

You don’t be a little child

You’re now an adult

You don’t need my help again

You want a freedom

Like my other brothers and sisters

I will give you that

But, I never want let you go…

Remembering, the times that you was a little child

A sweet and a nice child…

But the time goes and goes

You grew up, into a present you

You declare your independence to me

I confess your independence

You must go far

You must walk forward

Be confident

Fill the independence


My brother

I will not forget you…

In my heart, you are still my brother

Trust me please,